Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Hi Music lover,
I am really surprised by your comment, the whole idea about blogging is to actually make friends and share your daily experiences without having to judge anybody, it is like having a diary but where it can be shared. As for not saying that I am a muslim ( why not ? ) . I have been repeatedly asked about being a muslim and by our different lifestyle by non-muslim people, and when I wrote it, it was to stress my view of certain topics.
I would also request you to refrain from being insulting ! What are you going on about voodoo, black magic , etc... are you really living in this day and age.

Being in the office today, after an absence of 3 days, it really piled up the work, but I have found the time to read my post and to wonder why some people like to dampen your spirit by being critical or just assuming that you are a stereotype of someone they know and dislike or is it just being spiteful.

That's all for now , and I hope that I haven't offended anybody today.


  1. I was going to comment but I do not want to take it as personal feud. At the same time I can still hear my kids mother words that I do not apologise or my mother words "That you are right and I have my peace"

    I have no intention to insult anybody, I could be blunt,straight forward, critical, and very sarcastic. Since I ruined your day, I will say I am sorry. I am not here to bash Libyan women.

    Elton John - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word - 1976

    Justin Nozuka - Sorry

  2. Salam SimSim,
    I would tend to agree with MusicLover. As long as I've known him he's not been rude or disrespectful of anyone.

    In fact, on his comment on the previous post, I did not take his words as insulting or disrespectful but rather just pointing out a few things as well as perhaps making fun of himself by referring to himself as an "old fart" reading the paper in the lodge while kids are skiing.

    Hope you had a good three day weekend and are able to get through the pile of work that was awaiting you. Also hope the boss has settled down after the Friday the 13th issue. :-)

  3. Habibti Simsim,

    Just got back and reading the blogs saw this post of yours......

    Come now Musiclover may have his flaws but at the end of the day hes ok.He never stops sharing his wonderful links-

    He has a different way of commenting and what I like about him is his good criticism, and honest remarks. Wish I could comment so well.Dont take things from a negative point of view. We are all not the same and see things from our own perspectives which isn't fair to assume we all think alike.
    Salamat Habibti
